With the N90, Nokia has decided to target high-tech enthusiasts. The photophone replete indeed alone multimedia features many high-tech that cast doubt upon the true definition of this camera! Should we in fact take the N90 as a mobile phone functions videos / photos or as a real digital camera with the option mobile?
Take photographs or videotape with this mobile is a real pleasure, simply deploy and rotate the main screen 90 degrees and go!
After several minutes of use, it quickly noted that this mobile is a real gem technology. Hybrid between the camcorder and mobile phone, this very comprehensive terminal boasts a camera 2 megapixels and zoom digital 20x. Add to this that the N90 offers a macro mode for close-ups and a flash, not to mention his duties as video!
The optical sensor is combined with Carl Zeiss signed. With 2 million pixels, the photos reach a resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels, which is sufficient for a hard copy format 10 x 15 cm. Also, the device is also an autofocus and a anti-yeux red.
His barrel swivel includes a speakerphone and a flash implanted on the side. It can even be used as base to raise the aircraft when it is put in place, flip open on the table.
Everything has been done to ensure that the N90 is as easy to use Mode videos and photos. To that end, Nokia has been thinking about integrating a joystick on the right flank which operates with your thumb. Indeed, this wheel becomes very useful when the screen is rotated 90 degrees. In addition, two keys on the top of the screen allow you to change the settings. It is even possible to film in full screen.

In terms of the display, its large LCD internal enjoys excellent image quality with its 262,144 colors and a size of 352 x 416 pixels.
The photophone has a second external display of 65,536 colors. No need to open the flip to take a picture, because when the off switch is shot, the camera or video camera turns on automatically. Like a digital camera, the external display serves as a viewfinder, the button next to the joystick enables the video or the camera.
Its size and weight of 173 grams are its two major defects it goes without saying that the N90 is one of the most cumbersome mobile market ... But its multimedia functions are quickly forgotten his overweight. Attention, n'abusez not too videos of his duties because the N90 is greedy for power!
The volume is adjustable listening via the joystick mounted on its side. Its sound quality is good and the return of its external is excellent! The reading of MPEG-4 is via the Integrated Real Player. In addition to its 31 MB internally, the phone comes with a memory card MultimediaMediacard 64 Mb.
Note that it is possible to print from the gallery through the solution Nokia XpressPrint. It provides users with Pictbridge function, which allows you to directly connect the phone to a compatible photo printer via a USB cable or Bluetooth wireless technology. For professional use, the N90 integrates Adobe, Quickcell and Quick word. Know also that this is compatible mobile tri Edge.
With this model, Nokia gives us a first glimpse of the next generation of mobile phones. Even though its price remains relatively high, lovers will marvel at Imperial this device of the most innovative!
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